I am a final year PhD student in Social and Engineering Systems (SES) and Statistics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), advised by Prof. Cathy Wu. I am affiliated with MIT Laboratory for Information & Decision Systems (LIDS), Institute of Data, Systems and Society (IDSS), and MIT Statistics & Data Science Center (IDPS). I am fortunate to be supported by the Amazon Robotics Fellowship and the Michael Hammer Fellowship. I’ve spent time at Microsoft Research, Amazon AWS and MathWorks as an intern during my PhD. Prior to MIT, I received my bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics from Washington University in St. Louis in 2019.
My research interest broadly lies in the intersection between machine learning, operations research, and transportation. I have developed learning-guided algorithms to speed up combinatorial optimization solvers for efficient large-scale optimization. I am also interested in control theory analysis and reinforcement learning for mixed-autonomy transportation systems.
I'm on job market 2024-2025, and I am open to industry research / engineering jobs. Feel free to contact me if you know a position for which I may be a fit.
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Last Updated on 10/01/2024